Monday, October 21 @ 7pm

Zoom Meeting – Lewis Katz

Do you struggle to get your digital prints to match your monitor display? In this presentation you will learn why this occurs as well as the information and knowledge you need  to properly print a digital image.

Why do we print our images? In this presentation, we will first discuss the power of the print versus a digital file. We will cover paper types, ICC profiles, color spaces, cropping, and aspect ratios so that your print matches what your monitor is displaying.

Our Zoom meetings open at 6:30 pm for a social time before the presentation. Visitors are always welcome. 

Presented by Lewis Katz

Photography has been part of me from a young age. My first camera was the Olympus Pen F half frame beauty, and I soon moved through the full line of Olympus OM models. Fast forward to the digital cameras and images of today, I still shoot Olympus but have added a Nikon to the bag.

The camera and the image became an outlet for suppressed feelings and artistic expression. Many years after college I lived in southern York County Pennsylvania and its rural beauty. Although I had been out west as a teenager, it was here that I truly discovered landscape photography. Through my career in the travel industry, many other trips followed including visiting most of the major National Parks.

Teaching photography is another essential component of my photography life as I love sharing my passion. I currently teach for the Johns Hopkins Odyssey program, the Smithsonian Associates program, and for private students as well. I live for those aha moments that only teaching can provide.