Monday, December 19 @ 7pm
Zoom Only Meeting – Robert R. Fletcher
There are many, many opinions and options on the best way to photograph birds. I will share with you what I do to photograph birds.
I know that you have many Award Winning Bird Photographers at Redlands Camera Club and I have followed their techniques and learned from them.
With that in mind, I will share:
- How I prepare my camera gear before I arrive at the site
- Exposure Triad that works for me
- High and Extremely High ISO usage
- Camera choices (film, DSLR, Mirrorless, full-frame, cropped sensor, etc.)
- Lens choices based on the bird, background, end-use of the image
- Focus Choices (mode and points)
- Using filters
- Still and/or Video ?
- Tripod or Not (IBIS)
- Using the existing light to your advantage
- A little bit about Post-Production

Presented by Robert R. Fletcher
I started photographing professionally in January 1970. I learned photography the old-fashioned way… through mentoring with established photographers. Bill Stockwell, Rocky Gunn, Monte Zucker, David Peters, and many others.
In the late 1990’s I started using the early Kodak/Canon digital hybrid cameras and was immediately hooked on digital photography. Around that time I also started working for Canon USA as a Freelancer. That relationship continues to this day I have always mentored beginning photographers and taught them the art and business of photography so they could also make a living from something that they loved to do. My heart is in the future but my desire to train others is in the present. It is a joy to share with others the love that I have for the art of photography.