Monday, March 6 @ 7pm
In Person & Zoom Meeting – Doug Hammer
Doug will tell the story of what he experienced and learned from the unique problems of photographing saguaro cactus flowers in Saguaro National Park, how he overcame those issues, his use of focus stacking and plug-ins in postprocessing, the hows and why for what he did in printing his images, and what he recommends for displaying such prints (including the surprising phenomenon of outgassing, a problem few of us have even heard of), with appropriate lighting.
Three framed and lighted photographs of saguaro cactus flowers will be displayed with lights and easels for members to experience. The takeaways will vary for each person present, but there will be many of them for those who attend, guaranteed.

Presented by Doug Hammer
Doug Hammer has been a happily unpaid photographer for more than fifty years. He would probably refer to himself as an outdoor photographer and explorer. He has no particular theme or genre, just pure enjoyment for the art and science of photography and for the desire and ability to explore everywhere. Years ago, he designed and built wooden view cameras.
He spent many hours in darkrooms and twice served as a technical assistant at Ansel Adams’s workshops in Yosemite Valley and Pebble Beach, CA. Doug uses his website to periodically re-enjoy and re-remember his adventures, discoveries, and exploration. He has been an independent quality management consultant for nearly 30 years. He earned a B.S. in Management and M.S. in Organization Development, both from Pepperdine University.